22 Aug 2022 Conway Men’s Chorus to begin fall rehearsals
Schools have started and soon rehearsals will start for the Conway Men’s Chorus 22nd Christmas Holiday Concert. Men in the Central Arkansas area interested in singing and fellowship with others are invited to be part of this exciting group as a returning or new member. Rehearsals begin for the fall season at 6 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 12, in the choir room at Woodland Heights Baptist Church on Prince St. at Hogan Lane in Conway. Rehearsals are designed for busy men, as they meet in the choir room for about an hour beginning at 6 p.m. each Monday night.

Under the musical direction of Jordan Bennett with Paul Bradley as accompanist, the Conway Men’s Chorus will prepare for its holiday concert scheduled for 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 6, in Reynolds Performance Hall on the campus of the University of Central Arkansas. Some of the musical pieces that the chorus of 50+ men will be working on include “You’re A Mean One, Mr. Grinch,” “Silent Night,” “Dona Nobis Pacem,” “What You Gonna Call Your Pretty Little Baby,” “Let It Snow!” and “O Holy Night,” along with other songs of the season and the traditional audience sing-along.

The Men’s Chorus will also sing several songs with the Conway Symphony Orchestra during their Christmas Concert 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 3, also in Reynolds Hall.Men of all levels of musical ability and talent are welcome and accepted and there is no cost required to participate. According to Chorus President Mike McCullars, “The Men’s Chorus is an important part of the lives of these men in the chorus as they celebrate music while also enjoy being together. But we always have room for one more.”
More information may be obtained by sending an email to info@conwaymenschorus.org and at conwaymenschorus.org.