10 Mar 2014 Conway group plans Daffodil Daze
Daffodil Daze — a new project to beautify the Tucker Creek Trail in Conway with the seasonal yellow flowers — will kick off at 1 p.m. Monday, March 17.
Since last summer, a group of volunteers has been meeting to plan and coordinate the planting of daffodils along the trail. The committee is also encouraging others to plant daffodils throughout the city at businesses, schools, churches, etc.
The idea, which originated with Donna Evans, has grown into the creation of a Daffodil Daze Committee, which includes representatives of the Faulkner County Master Gardeners, the City of Conway and 501 LIFE.
With donated bulbs from Master Gardeners Evelyn Krzeszinski, Norma Crass and Betty Baxter, Acxiom associates planted 1,500 bulbs in November during the annual Volunteer Conway community service day. Lowe’s followed suit, purchasing and planting 1,000 bulbs.
In January, an estimated 3,000 bulbs were retrieved from the Jewell Moore home on Ash Street, with permission from Faulkner County Day School, which owns the property. Those bulbs have also been planted along the bike trail.
“On March 17, we want to share our plans for Daffodil Daze and ask others in the community to offer a helping hand — whether it is with donated bulbs or financial contributions to purchase bulbs,” said committee member Sonja Keith. “The group hopes to plan and coordinate special activities along the trail each spring in conjunction with the blooming daffodils for an annual Daffodil Daze festival.”
The kickoff will take place at the site of the initial plantings, on the trail near the pavilion at Salem Road.
For more information, please call 501.327.1501.