Conway friends to ride across America for a cure

Conway friends Connie Oslica and C.B. Brinkley will set out Saturday, June 18, to bike across the country to help raise money for  children who battle a rare nerve disorder – neurofibromatosis (NF). It is an ailment that Oslica is all too familiar with – his daughter Katie suffers from NF.

The Race Across America is known as the “toughest bike race in America” and begins in Oceanside, Calif., and concludes in Annapolis, Md. – a total of 3,022 miles.

“It’s an incredible test of will and determination,” said George Orfanakos, president of the Children’s Tumor Foundation. “For these two friends to be doing it, just two regular guys, really speaks to their incredible commitment to children with NF and our cause.”

The two men faced the grueling challenge of riding thousands of miles in training as they prepared for what is sure to be both the challenge and the experience of a life-time. Oslica will be riding for not only his daughter but all those with NF. Brinkley is a dedicated friend – also riding in honor of children with NF.

“3,000 miles, a short distance to endure so that dreams can be built, time can be shared and the lurking giant, NF, can be eliminated…. I’m just a dad, I run, I ride, I sweat bullets…. So that you might give a little of your heart to these children,” said Oslica.

Katie Oslica.

“After learning about NF and the suffering it causes, I realized just how lucky I was to have two healthy daughters and wanted to help families living with NF. So, I’ve decided to take a leap of faith in an incredible journey across the U.S. – on a bike!” said Brinkley.

In addition to being friends, both men are employed in Conway at Centerpoint Energy.

The two men and their crews will leave Conway on Monday to head to California.

Participants in the ride will be sharing their experiences via blog at The site has a feature that will track the riders whereabouts 24 hours a day.

The Children’s Tumor Foundation is the leading non-government funding source of NF research.

NF is a progressive disorder that causes tumors to grow on nerves throughout the body. It affects one in every 3,000 children born but is under recognized and under diagnosed.  

The efforts of both men will help fund research that is shedding new light on cancer, brain tumors, bone abnormalities, deafness, blindness and pain – ultimately benefitting the broader community, in addition to those with NF.

For more information or to donate, please visit