11 Sep 2019 Conway Fall Classic on Sept. 21
Conway Advocates for Bicycling, in partnership with the City of Hope Outreach, will present its annual Conway Fall Classic Bicycle Tour on Saturday, Sept. 21.
Grace Methodist Church, at 1075 Hogan Road in West Conway, is the staging area, the start and finish of all rides.
This year, there will be three new routes, with a challenge for all rider levels. All routes have aid stations, stocked with snacks and drinks, and access to a restroom or port-a-potty. All routes are staffed with volunteers and there will be sag support if mechanical assistance is needed.
Lunch will be served at 11 a.m. and will include Pasta Grill entrees, ZAZA salads and McAlister’s ice tea.
The Bicycling Advocate of the Year award will be presented at noon.
The short, 20-mile beginner route goes out Donnell Ridge Road to Sand Gap road by the Conway airport. It turns around at Tupelo Bayou Bridge, with an aid station at the airport.
The 40-mile Just Right route follows the same route out of town but is for serious riders who want a challenge but one that is not too long or too steep.
The Leg Buster is a very hard, 65-mile ride, with some serious climbs. It should only be tackled by the most seasoned riders.
To register online for $35, go to bikereg.com/; or for $40 visit The Ride bike shop (2100 Meadowlake Road) between 2 and 5 p.m. Friday, Sept. 20. Registration will also be onsite the day of the event starting at 7 a.m.
There will be 10th Anniversary Conway Fall Classic T-shirts for the first 150 registrants.
The CFC is the official graduation ride for the local Women Bike Arkansas clinic. For information, go to facebook.com/womenbikearkansas/.
City of Hope Outreach is a local nonprofit serving the under-resourced and disadvantaged in the community. For information, visit coho58.org/.
CAB, the only bicycle advocacy group in Conway, focuses on education and encouragement, and sponsors educational classes and regular rides for all levels of cyclists. For information, go to cycleconway.com/.