07 Nov 2016 Conway County library group conducts annual meeting
The Friends of the Conway County Library recently held its annual meeting at the library.
The featured guest speaker was Arkansas author Tayla Tate Boerner, who discussed her new book, “The Accidental Salvation of Gracie Lee,” about a young farm girl growing up in the Arkansas Delta region during the mid-1970s.
Boerner provided a brief biographical background about her time growing up in Mississippi County during the 1970s, and how her experiences living on a farm in the Delta region framed the basis of her novel.
After her presentation, Stewart Nelson was presented with the coveted Gordon-Loh Award for his contributions to the library over the years as mayor and current library board member. Director Jay Carter gave a state of the library report and related the success of the year-long Centennial Celebration and the positive community response the library is receiving for its new bookmobile service.
Carter then informed the audience that the library had won the Morrilton Chamber of Commerce’s Community Service Project of the Year Award. He thanked Linda Green, the main author of the event, the library staff and board, the FOL and the Pathfinder club. He stated that it was a group effort that could not have occurred without their participation. He then thanked the people of Conway County for their support, both for the event and the support given during its 100-year existence. Carter then asked the community to keep their eyes on the next 100 years, because the best was yet to come.