01 Apr 2024 Conway Corp names new Chief Operating Officer
CONWAY — Conway Corp has announced the promotion of Brett McDaniel to Chief Operating Officer.
As COO, McDaniel will direct, administer and coordinate the activities of operations in support of policies, goals and objectives established by the Chief Executive Officer and the Board of Directors. He is responsible for the overall direction, coordination and evaluation of the operations division at Conway Corp, including electric, water and telecommunication services.
“I am looking forward to working with Brett as he moves to the role of COO,” Chief Executive Officer Bret Carroll said. “Brett’s experience over the past 18 years has given him insight that is critical as we plan for the future of all of our utility and telecommunication services. He is committed to Conway Corp and our customers and will serve them well in his new role.”
One of McDaniel’s direct reports described his promotion as well-deserved.
“Brett has supported the GIS/AMI/OMS systems in becoming an integral part of the operation of the utility as manager of engineering,” Conway Corp Operations System Coordinator Chris Boudreaux said. “I expect as COO, Brett will continue to invest in these systems and the personnel required to continue with the successful delivery of utility system data to every department. In 2024-25 Conway Corp will be investing in a work order management system making field operations a connected, efficient and coordinated group. Under Brett’s leadership and direction, we will maximize this investment for future generations of utility personnel.”
McDaniel said he is excited to begin his new role.
“It is a blessing to have the opportunity to serve our community in a greater capacity,” he said. “I look forward to continuing my career here at Conway Corp with so many excellent community leaders.”
McDaniel began his career with the company in November 2005 as a water systems engineer. He was promoted to water systems senior engineer in 2008 and was named engineering & planning manager in 2017.
McDaniel replaces Greg Dell, who retired as COO on March 31, following a 39-year career with the company.