29 Oct 2017 Conway Corp names award winners
Conway Corp recently honored Lead Serviceman Wayne Evans, SCADA and Network Systems Administrator Zach Leach and Manager, Electric Distribution System Jim Moore with awards for their exemplary work performance.
Conway Corp is dedicated to exceeding customers’ expectations through the exceptional work of dedicated employees and recognizes employees annually for their dedication in the areas of customer service and safety.
Evans and Leach each received the Customer Service Award presented by CEO Bret Carroll. They were nominated by their fellow coworkers for going above and beyond their job duties.
The nomination for Evans stated that even though he has the difficult job of disconnecting electricity for delinquent accounts, “he does his best to ensure the information is accurate. He will call Conway Corp cashiers on behalf of the customers he has interaction with so they have the balance needed to retain services or even research payments. His kind heart is shown in all his interactions with customers and coworkers.”
Leach was nominated for “building the relationship between operations and technology to ensure his internal customers are getting what they need. He also makes himself available as needed and goes the extra mile”
Moore received the Safety Leadership Award presented by Safety Director Steve Plant. Moore was nominated by the entire electric department who said as the department’s manager “he has created an atmosphere and built a strong team of educated linemen that were able to earn the RP3 designation for two consecutive cycles. He strives to not only be a leader, but a safe one.” The RP3 (Reliable Public Power Provider) designation is given by the American Public Power Association to public power companies who show exceptional service in the areas of reliability, safety, workforce development and system improvement. One hundred and ten of the nation’s more than 2,000 public power utilities earned the RP3 designation. Conway Corp is the only company in Arkansas to receive the designation.
“We are extremely proud of our employees and want to recognize those who continue to exceed customer expectations,” said Carroll. “The peer nominations submitted make these awards even more meaningful.”