25 May 2020 Conway Corp designated as Reliable Public Power Provider
Conway Corp has earned a Reliable Public Power Provider (RP3)® Diamond Level designation from the American Public Power Association for providing reliable and safe electric service.
The Diamond Level designation is the highest level achievable within the RP3 designation. Conway Corp scored a total of 98 points out of a possible 100 and is the first public power utility in the state to receive the Diamond designation.

“This is a great honor,” said Chief Executive Officer Bret Carroll. “We take a lot of pride in the work we do to power our community. We are consistently looking to improve our workforce, system reliability and safety to serve Conway better.”
The designation recognizes public power utilities that demonstrate proficiency in four key disciplines: reliability, safety, workforce development and system improvement. Criteria include sound business practices and a utility-wide commitment to safe and reliable delivery of electricity.
“Receiving an RP3 designation is a great honor and demonstrates a utility’s commitment to implementing industry best practices in utility operations,” said Aaron Haderle, chairman of the RP3 Review Panel.
Conway Corp was the first utility in Arkansas to be recognized with an RP3 designation when it was presented with the Platinum Level designation in 2013, a designation the company earned again in 2017.
Conway Corp operates the city-owned utility system and provides electric, water, wastewater, cable, internet, telephone and security services within the Conway city limits. Conway Corp was created in 1929 when the Conway City Council organized the corporation to operate the city’s electric light plant to raise revenue to help keep Hendrix College and Central Baptist College in Conway.
The company’s mission is to exceed customers’ expectations and to produce and deliver safe, affordable, reliable, innovative and environmentally-sound utility and telecommunication services while enhancing the quality of life in the community. More information is available at conwaycorp.com.
The American Public Power Association has offered the RP3 designation for 15 years now. The Association is the voice of not-for-profit, community-owned utilities that power 49 million people in 2,000 towns and cities nationwide. The Association advocates and advises on electricity policy, technology, trends, training and operations.