17 Apr 2019 Conway Boy Scout troop plans inaugural golf tournament May 13

Boy Scout Troop 534 of Conway is hosting Scramble for Scouting, a three-person scramble and a golf ball drop at 8:30 a.m. Monday, May 13, at Centennial Golf Course.
“Scouting is important because it teaches young people values and skills that they can carry with them their whole lives. Scouting also provides outdoor opportunities such as camping and hiking that foster teamwork, leadership and respect for our natural resources,” said Todd Johnson, Troop 534 Scoutmaster.
Proceeds from this year’s event will support Scouts attending high adventure camps, including Florida Sea Base, which offers an unparalleled opportunity to explore and study astronomy, navigation, fish identification and coral reef ecology while sailing in the Florida Keys for seven days and nights, and The World Scout Jamboree, an international event of the World Organization of the Scout Movement to be held this year at the Summit Bechtel Scout Reserve in W.V. Thousands of Scouts from around the world attend.
A portion of the proceeds will also go toward the purchase of tents, equipment and other needs for the growing troop.
“Long-term summer camps and high adventure camps provide greater opportunities for Scouts to learn skills and build confidence. Scouting teaches youth to be better citizens and the importance of helping your community and those in need. We encourage fellow Arkansans to support our rapidly expanding troop so that we can continue to foster leadership skills and instill values such as kindness, helpfulness and reverence in our young people,” said Johnson.
Registration is open at scrambleforscouting.com. Options to support Troop 534 include becoming a sponsor, registering a team, purchasing golf balls for the Golf Ball Drop or making a general donation.
There is a $400 entry fee per team. The first place team will receive $1,000, the second $500 and the third $300.
Events include hole in one, closest to the hole, straightest drive and longest putt.
There will be a golf ball drop (up to 1,000 balls) for a chance to win up to $10,000. Supporters do not need to be present to win. The cost is $25 for one ball or $100 for five balls.
The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) motto is “Be Prepared.” Scouts and leaders follow The Scout Oath and the 12 points of the Scout Law. The BSA “aims of Scouting” include character development, citizenship training and mental and personal fitness.
Troop 534 currently has 40 Scouts and 31 registered adult leaders. The Troop is chartered to Grace United Methodist Church and is part of the Foothills District, Quapaw Council.