21 Jun 2021 City attorney awards Outstanding Citizenship Award to Eric Lamb
CONWAY — An Outstanding Citizenship Award was given to Conway resident Eric Lamb on June 15 in recognition of his role as Santa Claus.

During a ceremony at City Hall, city attorney Charles Finkenbinder presented the award and thanked citizens for going “above and beyond every day, every week for something bigger than themselves.” Lamb is the third award recipient this year. The Outstanding Citizenship Award was founded by Finkenbinder’s office to honor those who help foster a sense of community.
For the past seven years, Lamb has dressed as Santa Claus during the holiday season to make deliveries of toys, food, clothes, and shoes to children in Central Arkansas and some other states. He personally donates his money, hosts fundraisers throughout the year, receives donations and then purchases gifts for children and families to make their holiday season better. Families submit a brief application to him so he knows what they need.
“My heart is so overwhelmed today — couldn’t hold the tears back to hear the Conway City Attorney talk about me going beyond the call of duty in my community!” Lamb said. “Thanks to my family, friends and my job [at Acxiom] for supporting me. I’m determined to continue to make a difference in a child’s life one by one.”
Lamb has always wanted to help those less fortunate than himself and recalls giving his new clothes and shoes away to classmates when he was young. To become involved in his efforts, visit his Facebook page “Eric L Lamb.”