20 Sep 2021 Children’s Advocacy Centers of Arkansas honors Jerry Jones’ wife, Gene, at event on Oct. 6
LITTLE ROCK — Children’s Advocacy Centers of Arkansas (CACAR) will honor Arkansas native Gene Jones of Danville (Yell County) as the 2021 Arkansas Woman of Inspiration at its annual fundraising dinner on Oct. 6 at the Statehouse Convention Center in Little Rock.

Gene Jones, wife of Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones, has dedicated her time and talent to improving the lives of others through her philanthropic work. She has contributed greatly in establishing the Hope Lodge. She is a member, along with her husband, of the Salvation Army’s Dallas County Board and National Advisory Board. The Gene and Jerry Jones Family Center for Children was opened in November of 1998, offering a variety of special programs for children in need. She is also a member of the board of trustees for the Children’s Medical Center of Dallas.
“Mrs. Jones has a long legacy of serving children in need through her philanthropic work,” said Elizabeth Pulley, CACAR Executive Director. “We are thrilled to recognize her commitment and support of our important mission to help our state’s children recover from abuse.”
The Woman of Inspiration dinner represents CACAR’s largest fundraising event, which honors a woman who has devoted significant time to improving the lives of children. The year’s event is chaired by Sarah Beth Lowe and Kerry Moody. Honorary Event Chair is Arkansas First Lady Susan Hutchinson, the 2015 Woman of Inspiration recipient.
Event proceeds support 17 Child Advocacy Center (CAC) locations across Arkansas that provide free services to abused and neglected children statewide. In 2020, more than 10,000 children were served by CACs.
The dinner also features a TOCCIN NY runway fashion show presented by Little Rock boutique BARBARA/JEAN.
For sponsorship and ticket information, visit arwomanofinspiration.org or email arwomanofinspiration@gmail.com.