03 Jul 2021 Central Baptist College announces Student Academic Awards
Central Baptist College students were honored at the end of the academic year by their respective academic departments. In addition to departmental academic awards, qualifying students were inducted into the Alpha Chi National Honor Society.

The Bible Department presented three awards: The Jesse Thomas Christian Service Award, the AD Livingston Missions Award, and the Outstanding Student in Biblical Studies Award.
Given in honor of Dr. Jesse Thomas, a long time CBC professor and pastor, the Jesse Thomas Christian Service Award is given to students based on their outstanding Christian service, not only in the classroom, but also in their church and community work. This year, the Jesse Thomas Christian Service Award was given to Josh Dison. He was chosen for his excellence in the classroom and faithful service in every opportunity given to him.
The AD Livingston Evangelism Missions award named after the late A.D. Livingston, pastor and evangelist in the Baptist Missionary Association of Arkansas and BMA of America. The award recognizes an outstanding Missions major. This year’s awardee was Karlee Pense. She was chosen because she has demonstrated a heart for missions during her time at CBC, loving Jesus and desiring to serve Him.
The Outstanding Student in Biblical Studies Award goes to the top graduating Bible Department student. This award was presented to Trey Burroughs. He has been a solid Bible student throughout his CBC experience. He has shown a faithfulness to God’s Word and to God’s call on his life by maintaining high standards in his studies.
The Communication Department presented the Outstanding Student in Oral Communication, an award given to a student who effectively honed their public speaking skills over the course of the semester. This student also displayed kindness and a positive attitude to everyone around them. The Outstanding Student in Oral Communication was presented to Colter Hall.
The Outstanding Student in Communication is presented on the basis of character, scholarship, proficiency in practical journalism and significant contribution to the department. The Outstanding Student in Communication was presented to Kat Carson. She was chosen for this award because of her overall dedication to the department and Tower Media, CBC’s student media outlet.

The Math and Science Department presented the Outstanding Student in Mathematics to Erica Hawkins, and the Outstanding Science graduate to Brooke Trout.
The Fine Arts Department presented the Outstanding Recital Award to Andrew Guyton. The recipient prepared and performed the most outstanding senior recital for 2021-2022 and is an exemplary student in the Fine Arts Department.
Additionally, qualifying students were elected to the Alpha Chi Society. Alpha Chi is a national, interdisciplinary organization that recognizes excellence, character, and service. Over 300 institutions across the national hold Alpha Chi charters. In order to be inducted, students must be invited, have junior or senior status, have completed a minimum of 30 semester hours at their home institution, and have a grade point average (GPA) in the top 10% of GPAs in the institution. The 2021 Alpha Chi inductees were Marieca Ashworth, Faith Birmingham, Keely Bulza, Halley Cain, Chance Coran, Heather Dunning, Madelyn Jameson, Sara McGee, Abigail McGraw, Sharon Tucker, and Janna Worbington.