01 Jan 2023 Celebrating lives of legacy
I pulled the 2022 calendar from my desk and turned the page to January. This is the month when I mentally hit the reset button. Holiday decorations are stowed, and the house is deeply cleaned from the ceilings down, including a few cluttered drawers. I’m not a fanatic, you know!

At 501 LIFE, we’ve cleared away ’22 and look forward to the themes we have planned for 2023. This month our theme is “Lives of Legacy,” and we’re excited to highlight people who are making an intentional difference in their community.
I encourage you to read the stories that relate to those on our cover: actress Judy Pryor Trice, social activist DuShun Scarbrough and the iconic Winthrop Rockefeller. From the big screen to community theater, Trice continues to move audiences as she brings roles to life. Scarbrough heads the Arkansas Martin Luther King, Jr. Commission and significant King anniversaries are marked in ’23. And Dr. John Kirk has written a book to highlight the legacy of the late Governor Rockefeller.
We have also included community heroes like Judi Lively, who recently retired after serving the homeless for nearly two decades. Judge Michael Lincoln served White County for 16 years until his recent retirement. He played a huge role in the construction of the White County Cooperative Extension Service building, which some rumor is the best of its kind in the state.
The legacy of service continues with a section about educators, architects, medical professionals and businesspeople who serve the community with a generous spirit. We highlight Allison Wilson, a dancer whose light feet have touched stages from Broadway to Russia and back to Little Rock. She donates time to a charity that helps children.
Incredible people are featured from the cover to the final page, when we introduce Theo Jones, who has served on the Conway City Council for 20 years.
If you’re looking for inspiration, this issue is one to devour. I am proud to bring you “Lives of Legacy.”
Stefanie Brazile