CCS alum pens school's annual play

by Kiera Ester

Conway Christian School will present its annual drama production this week but this year’s presentation has something unique – it is written by a school alum.

2011 CCS graduate Bates Isom created the original play, “Alcazar.” Isom, a creative writing student at the University of Central Arkansas, started writing in the sixth grade, and before the play, he had only written books.

"It took me awhile to come up with a play that actually made sense. I also wanted to make sure that the play was entertaining all the way through" said Isom.

The play will be presented at 1 and 7 p.m. Thursday, March 15, at Burgess Auditorium at Central Baptist College. Admission is $5 and tickets can be purchased at Conway Christian.

The students from the drama department have been working since December on the play.

"I loved getting with everyone and fellowshipping," said Sidney Meriweather, assistant stage director. "It has been really fun, but we have worked really hard painting and getting everything together."

The cast and crew from the Conway Christian School production of “Alcazar.”

Meriweather said that the cast of the play has spent a lot of time together but the payoff is way greater because the audience is going to take away a greater message.

“Alcazar” was taken from the name of the castle in the play, which involves people who want to enter the castle, but to enter they have to wish for their greatest desire. Once in the castle, there is greater price to get out.

Isom said the play is not "in your face" Christianity. There are about 50-60 students involved in the play this year.

This is the fifth play that the drama club has presented since 2007. The club puts on one play each year and past productions include “Tom Sawyer” and “Peter Pan.”