09 Dec 2019 CAFTA plans fundraising event
The Conway Alliance for the Arts will host a Winter Make & Take event at Saint Peter’s Episcopal Church Parish Hall from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 12.
This event will be held in collaboration with Saint Peter’s Artists Collective. The church is located at 925 Mitchell St.
Guests will enjoy refreshments of wine, cheese, crackers, coffee and dessert, while Conway
jazz-folk fusion ensemble Lady J and the Trebled Souls will provide live music. Then, local artist Kristen Spickard and volunteers will lead a collage-making workshop.
This event is for ages 21 and older. The cost to attend is $30 per person. Tickets may be purchased at tiny.cc/cafta1212.
Proceeds benefit Conway Alliance for the Arts, a volunteer-run 501(c)(3) nonprofit.
This event is sponsored by Saint Peter’s Artists Collective and Colonial Wine and Spirits.