04 Mar 2018 Cabot Scholarship Foundation schedules fundraiser March 8
The Cabot Scholarship Foundation’s Roast & Toast Banquet will be held at 7 p.m. Thursday, March 8, in the Cabot Junior High North cafeteria. The event recognizes students who are receiving scholarships from the foundation. Last year, the foundation awarded 119 Cabot High School seniors with $124,050 in scholarships.
The Cabot Scholarship Foundation was formed in 1992 by the Cabot Centennial Committee to encourage and recognize academics in Cabot schools. The Roast &Toast Banquet is the foundation’s only fundraising event.
Due to the tremendous growth at Cabot High School, community support is greatly appreciated. Donations are accepted throughout the year at Cabot Scholarship Foundation, 200 West Main Street, Cabot, AR 72023.
This year’s honoree for the Roast & Toast Banquet is Sen. Eddie Joe Williams. He began his career in public service in Cabot as mayor from 2007-2010. He was elected to the Arkansas Senate in 2010. He serves on the Southern States Energy Board, an appointment by President Donald J. Trump on Nov. 16, 2017.
This year’s roasters are Gov. Asa Hutchinson, Cabot Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Tony Thurman and Jacksonville Mayor Gary Fletcher.
Tickets are $30 per person and a table of eight is $240. Tickets may be purchased at the Cabot High School office.
Cabot Scholarship Foundation board members are John C. Thompson, Chairman; Fred Campbell, Carole Jones, Mike Verkler, Angela Wallace, Leann Carlisle, Renee Calhoun and Nina Butler. Exofficio members are Dr. Tony Thurman and Jayne Snyder.