Book fair art winners

St. Joseph Middle School recently held an art contest for students in conjunction with a book fair.

Students in the fourth through sixth grades were asked to draw a representation of a favorite book.

There are two teachers for each grade, and first and second place winners were chosen from each class.

First place winners were:

Amy Lambe – Sixth grade, “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.”
Caleb Mallett – Sixth grade, “Riders of the Purple Sage.”
Diego Navarro – Fifth grade, “The Lost Hero.”
Sydney Pham – Fifth grade, “Pegasus and the Flame of Olympus.”
Ruby Jones – Fouth grade, “Madeline and the Cookie Fairy.”
Tyler Parker – Fourth grade, “A Fabumouse Vacation for Geronimo.”

Amy Lambe - “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.”