17 Mar 2017 Bethlehem House event a success
Bethlehem House supporters recently raised more than $28,000 to benefit the shelter at its annual Valentine Gala and auction.
“The Valentine Gala experience improves year after year. For the fifth year in a row, we had a sell-out event,” Bethlehem House Executive Director Judi Lively commented. “We were pleased to have the support of Miss Arkansas Savannah Skidmore who made an appearance at this year’s event, Shawn Hammontree who served as auctioneer and musician Tyler Sellers of Preston Palmer Studios who provided entertainment. As always, a delicious dinner was provided by PattiCakes Bakery, Pasta Grill and Stoby’s.”
“The gala is our major fundraiser used to support day-to-day operations at the shelter,” Lively added.
Bethlehem House seeks to encourage, equip and motivate homeless and nearly homeless individu¬als and families to take the necessary steps to improve their life situations. For more information about the work of Bethlehem House or to make a donation, call 501-329-4862 or visit bethlehemhouse.net.