18 Oct 2021 Baptist Health encourages women to recognize risk for breast cancer
LITTLE ROCK – Being a woman is the main risk factor for breast cancer, but there are several other important factors to consider.
It’s important for women to be proactive about their health, and the most important thing that can be done to prevent breast cancer is to get a yearly mammogram starting at age 40. Risk factors for breast cancer include:
- Being over age 55
- Having a close relative who had breast cancer
- Having a BRCA gene mutation
- Having dense breast tissue
- Having your first period before age 12
- Going through menopause after age 55
- Taking combined hormone therapy for menopause
- Using birth control pills in the last 10 years
- Getting little or no exercise
- Having your first child over age 30

This Breast Cancer Awareness Month, schedule your yearly mammogram and take Baptist Health’s free risk assessment to learn more about your risk factors at BaptistHealthMammo.com. You can also schedule by phone at 1-888-BAPTIST (227-8478).
For existing Baptist Health patients, the myBaptistHealth app also provides another easy way to schedule using MyChart.
For those concerned about developing cancer due to multiple risk factors, Baptist Health High Risk Breast and Hereditary Cancer Clinic at 9500 Kanis Road, Suite 250, in Little Rock also offers support to make informed decisions promoting early detection and risk reduction.