18 Nov 2019 Bank donates to Unity campaign

First Community Bank in Searcy recently donated to the Unity Health Foundation “Home is Where the Heart is” campaign.
First Community Bank pledged to name the new covered entryway to the Inpatient Physical Rehabilitation Center as part of the facility’s renovation project. The “Home is Where the Heart is” campaign focuses on raising funds for three main areas; the Inpatient Physical Rehabilitation Center, Patient Safe Handling Rooms and Xenex Germ-Zapping Robots.
“I want to give to organizations such as this because if my town is strong, it is good for everyone,” said First Community Bank Market President David Wood. “If someone needs to go to the hospital and they are able to go in their hometown where their friends and family can come visit, I think that has to help with the healing process.”
Resources for the Foundation are obtained through donations, memorial gifts, planned gifts, special events and other sources. The Unity Health Foundation works to develop a lasting partnership with the community to preserve, sustain and develop Unity Health for years to come.
To learn more about the Unity Health Foundation and the “Home is Where the Heart is” campaign, please visit unity-health.org/foundation or call 501.278.3184.