17 Feb 2025 Authors of the Month: Janis and Jim Davidson
By Susan L. Peterson
Veteran author Jim Davidson and his wife, Janis, are living the golden lifestyle. Not only are they a good match spiritually, they have also combined their writing talents. Together they recently published “America’s Hope for a Keep Your Fork Kind of Society,” a book that Jim believes can help cure the ills that he believes are affecting American society.

The Davidsons believe our country “is drowning in a culture certain to keep us down,” and they present ideas and suggestions to make our nation better, safer and stronger. The title refers to the time after a meal when the table is being cleared and someone says, “Keep your fork,” to indicate that dessert (or something better) is coming. Using that analogy, they are optimistic their book will help bring about changes to improve society.
At the back of the book is something to sweeten the seriousness of the essays — 25 dessert recipes that have been tried and tested by Janis. The Possum Pie is one of her favorites since it’s a dessert she and her husband shared on their second date atop Petit Jean Mountain.
The Davidsons’ essays include such titles as “Quality Education for All Our Citizens,” “Sports in America Today is the Tail Wagging the Dog,” “Reducing Unwanted Teen Pregnancies,” “Be Proud to be an American,” and “A Strong Military Force Keeps Us Free.” These ideas, according to Jim, will save our nation from the toxic environment he believes we are experiencing from national debt and threats from outside influences.
Jim is well-known as an author, speaker, nationally syndicated columnist and radio commentator. He has dedicated his life to sharing ideas that help others improve their lives. When he sees a problem, he likes to provide solutions. He founded the Bookcase for Every Child Project in 2005 to address the problem of illiteracy. More than 1,000 bookcases have been built and donated to preschool-age children. He also wrote a column for many years that was published in 375 newspapers in 35 states and he continues to be a published columnist.
Janis spent her working years as a successful entrepreneur in Greenbrier and Conway, founding Mack Real Estate and Pickles Gap Village with her late husband. After losing her spouse, Janis met Jim, a widower. She was attracted to Jim’s intellect, but it came as a surprise to know that the Jim Davidson she started dating was the same one whose books she had been reading. “The good Lord brought us together,” she said. The two have been married nine years.
Together, they have 16 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren. They are motivated to share their ideas with the hope that all children can live a life similar to what they knew decades ago when you didn’t have to lock your front door or be afraid to walk the streets alone. In recollecting those times, they are also looking forward, sharing suggestions in the hope that the lifestyle they knew will return.
Throughout the book, Jim echoes the sentiment that they have been blessed throughout their lives. Each was able to work hard and achieve a golden lifestyle. But he mourns for the days of his youth when respect, morality, duty and honor were the norm, and he believes his book is a clarion call for that to occur again.
More about Jim, including recent posts and archives, can be found on his website jimdavidsonnsc.com. “Keep Your Fork” and other books he has authored are available from Amazon and other online publishers.
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