27 Apr 2013 Ask the dietitian: A focus on the positive
by Kellie Dye
I was approached five years ago to write nutrition-related articles for 501 LIFE, a one-of-a-kind, local publication. Fifty something articles later, I never seem to run out of topics.
Nutrition is an ever-changing field. From fad diets, to the latest health food craze, I do believe that the possibilities are endless.
My favorite articles will always be centered on my passion for all things food. Helping others to have a more positive experience with food has been my mission since I became a nutritionist.
Food is a blessing, meant to be enjoyed without guilt or shame. I want to educate people how guilt and shame associated with food will only lead to overly restrictive eating and/or overeating.
I have found that many people have become negative about food or naïve and misinformed about certain types of foods. The majority of my time as a nutritionist is spent clarifying nutrition and diet myths. Writing for 501 LIFE has been a wonderful way to reach people about food and nutrition.
The most response from an article that I have ever received was in the June 2009 edition. It was about eating disorders and body image. This topic touches so many people, and I heard from many readers who have a family member with an eating disorder or they struggle themselves with body image and chronic dieting.
What I learned was that this is an important topic and people want authentic, reputable information.
More and more, many people are manipulating food as a means of coping with stress. We may use food in ways other than what it is intended for, which is to nourish and replenish.
This can be a problem for many people with or without an eating disorder. How we use food is a topic that deserves to be explored more, and I am grateful to 501 LIFE for allowing me the means to discuss this.
Many magazines will ironically advertise the latest fad diet on the same cover as a super high caloric dessert.
Or they will focus on topics that almost always make us think there is something wrong with our bodies that need to be fixed. One of the many things I love about 501 LIFE is that the focus is always positive and inspirational. Food and the eating experience should be positive as well.
Thank you to 501 LIFE for providing reasonable and timely articles that continue to encourage and inspire people. I’m proud to be a small part of this publication.
Kellie Dye, a registered and licensed dietitian, is the wellness coordinator at the Conway Regional Health and Fitness Center. Send your diet and nutrition questions to Kellie at [email protected]. Frequently asked and pertinent questions will be addressed in future articles in 501 LIFE.