14 Feb 2022 Art Gallery Exhibit Features Faculty & Staff Global Awareness
BEEBE — The Arkansas State University-Beebe Art Department is featuring faculty and staff artworks titled “Global Awareness” in the England Center Art Gallery throughout the month of February.
“The artworks focus on global awareness and include items contributed by faculty and staff from their travels around the world, which represent various cultures,” said Thomas Fernandez, Assistant Professor of Art.
ASU-Beebe is the only two-year college in Central Arkansas that offers an Associate of Fine Arts (AFA) degree. The AFA degree has an emphasis in vocal music or instrumental music, theater, graphic design, or creative arts enterprise. This degree is a comprehensive two-year curriculum designed specifically for transfer toward a bachelor’s degree in fine arts.
The England Center Art Gallery exhibits works of art by students and featured artists throughout the academic year. Admission is free and the gallery is open to the public. The gallery, located at 201 N Orange St. in Beebe, is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Masks and social distancing are required on all ASU-Beebe campuses. For more information, contact Thomas Fernandez at 501.882.8913 or the England Center Art Gallery reception office at 501.882.4495.