ARGives Day: Donations to Conway Regional to fund wellness grants

Frisbees are flying all over the gymnasium at Carl Stuart Middle School as a new disc golf set has heightened the enthusiasm for physical education. The disc golf set was funded as part of a $500 wellness grant from the Conway Regional Women’s Council last year resulting from the Women’s Council’s ongoing efforts to help address childhood obesity.

“I really enjoyed watching students who haven’t really embraced PE actually enjoy one of our activities,” said Jenni Lea, a physical education teacher and girls’ athletics coach at the school. “To wrap up our lesson, I asked students to tell me how they could play this game in their neighborhood and get their family involved. They amazed me with their answers. A couple of students suggested using baskets or trash cans as their disc baskets, many mentioned using trees and other items in their yard to mark their course. Several students mentioned going out to Beaverfork Park and playing with their family.”

In all, the Women’s Council funded six $500 grants last year to support creative school programs, such as the one at Carl Stuart, that teach Faulkner County children the value of physical fitness, healthy food and wellness.

On Thursday, April 7, the Conway Regional Health Foundation will participate in the second annual Arkansas Gives Day, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. The Women’s Council is expecting to fund several additional grants this year from funds raised on Arkansas Gives Day.

The Conway Regional community and employee donors are encouraged to give to the Health Foundation during this 12-hour online giving event. Donations made that day will be multiplied through a special match pool by the Arkansas Community Foundation and earmarked to support the Women’s Council Teacher Grant program.  

On April 7, donations can be made by visiting: