Answers to common fitness questions

Question 1: “I am getting tired and bored with my current routine that consists of walking on a treadmill, working out on an elliptical trainer and then lifting weights for a few minutes. I need something different, but I am hesitant to get out of my comfort zone.

Solution: Boredom and the “same-old-same-old” syndrome impact many fitness enthusiasts. I recall a fitness center member whose exercise routine consisted of trudging 6 miles on a treadmill 5 days per week. No hills or speed variation whatsoever. Doesn’t sound too exciting, does it? This went on for almost three years!

However, she developed plantar fasciitis in her feet that forced her to switch to an elliptical trainer and a stationary bike. The treadmill vacation allowed her plantar fasciitis to heal and was a blessing in disguise.

There are many strategies that one can employ to mix up their routine, but there are several that I always recommend. One is to hire a personal trainer and the other is to add a water workout 1-2x/week.

A good trainer can show you some new exercise routines that will help your cardiovascular system and muscular/skeletal system. Adding some new exercises can be beneficial to both the mind and body, and will help you stay consistent and excited about exercise.

Water workouts can be a lot of fun and very good for your fitness. Swimming is one of the best all around workouts that you can do and it saves a lot of wear and tear on the knee and hip joints. However, you do not have to be a swimmer to get a great water workout. Water aerobics and simply walking laps in the shallow section (frontwards and backwards) can provide a great cardio workout and help strengthen your upper and lower body.

In addition to water walking, incorporating foam dumbbells and noodles into an aquatic routine can provide a body chiseling workout that you will find unique, fun and very effective. The key to all water workouts is in the resistance that the water provides. I will cover water workouts in depth in a future edition of 501 LIFE. 

Question 2: “I want to get into running and maybe even do the Toad Suck 5K in May. What are the best shoes to purchase?”

Solution: The best pair of running shoes is the pair that matches the type of foot that you have and that feels good when you jog in them.

Many individuals make the mistake of purchasing running shoes because they look cool or their friends have a particular model that they are envious of. The best advice is to visit a store that specializes in running shoes and use their expertise to assist you in the decision as to what shoe or shoes would be best for you.

Some running stores will have a treadmill in the store so customers can go for a “test run” on the treadmill. In addition, some stores will ask customers to run on a treadmill or designated floor area so they can have their foot strike analyzed which will help the staff make the proper shoe recommendations. This is a tremendous service and benefit that has aided many first-time buyers.

For example, if you have a pancake-type flat foot, you will probably need a “motion control/anti pronation” shoe. An individual with a high-arched foot will require a shoe that is well-cushioned. Nike, Brooks, Asics, New Balance and Mizuno all make great shoes, but the key is to find a pair that matches your foot and feels good when you wear them.

Question 3:“What is a healthy body fat percent for females? I am 35-years old and just joined a fitness center that provides body composition testing and I plan on getting this test done this month. Thank you!”

Solution: Getting tested for body composition is a wise decision for anyone interested in obtaining a healthy body weight. The test usually will take only a few minutes to do and most fitness centers utilize either the skin caliper or bio-impedance technique. Both methods are painless and simple to do.

Many individuals do not look forward to this test because they already know they are carrying an excessive amount of fat tissue on them, but the test can be a great motivator for those who are serious about losing excess body fat. I highly recommend this procedure that provides a wealth of knowledge that can be used in developing an exercise plan for you.