25 Jun 2019 Annual golf tourney held

The Maumelle Area Chamber of Commerce recently presented its 19th Annual Golf Tournament at the Country Club of Arkansas.
This year’s winning team, representing Eagle Bank, shot a 53. Team members were Tucker Leech, Lane Stafford, Isbell and Lee Welfel. Andre Webster of Ashby Outdoor Advertising was the putting contest winner.
Sponsors were Boudreaux’s Grill & Bar, Chick-fil-A Maumelle, US Bank, Lake Liquor, Ashby Outdoor Advertising, First Security Bank, the City of Maumelle, Arkansas Federal Credit Union, Coldwell Banker, Edward Jones-Ricky O’Brien, Fidelity Communications, Shine Boutique, Manpower Inc., Christian Brothers, Sprint and Health Care Express.
For more information, go to maumellechamber.com or call 501.851.9700.