06 Jul 2017 Advanced practice RN joins Conway Regional Neuroscience Center
Elana Russell of Conway, an advanced practice registered nurse, has joined the medical staff of the Conway Regional Neuroscience Center.
She joined neurologists Tim Freyaldenhoven and Keith Schluterman, who formed a partnership with Conway Regional earlier this year to establish the Conway Regional Neuroscience Center.
“Elana appears very excited to spend time with our patients, get to know them and their families, and help Tim and I find the best solutions to their neurological problems. We have been thrilled with her eagerness, her intelligence, and her friendly and engaging personality,” said Keith Schluterman, M.D.
Russell holds a master of science in nursing degree from Walden University in Minneapolis. She also achieved a bachelor of science in nursing from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Russell has spent three years working as an APRN practicing in neurology and specializes in movement disorders, headache treatment, neuro-immunological disorders, cerebrovascular disease, neuromuscular disease, epilepsy and memory disorders.
“In working with her for a relatively short time, it is already clear that she has an immense interest in the well-being of her patients with exceptional compassion, a most positive attitude and an unmistakable kindness,” said Tim Freyaldenhoven, M.D.
Russell was born at Conway Regional and is a native of Damascus, where she credits her parents for encouraging her and her siblings to pursue their dreams through a college education. “Each one of us graduated from college. They have always instilled a drive in us to go after our dreams and to always keep God first,” said Russell. “My dream was to care for patients on a higher level by becoming a collaborative health care provider and participating in quality care that would improve patients’ lives.”
She added, “One of my biggest dreams was to practice in Conway, and I am very thankful for this opportunity to continue my dream at Conway Regional Neuroscience Center. I have three beautiful girls that love living in Conway. They have enjoyed their school systems, attending gymnastics and becoming involved in sports.”
“Elana’s addition to the Conway Regional Neuroscience Center is part of our ongoing efforts to partner with our local physicians. We are thrilled to add Elana’s expertise to our clinic, which allows Conway Regional to continue expanding access to neurological services to the Conway and surrounding communities,” said Rebekah Fincher, corporate director of Physician Relations and Business Development.
The Conway Regional Neuroscience Center opened on Feb. 20 and is located in suite 305 on the third floor of the Conway Regional Medical Plaza. A referral from a primary care physician is required to make an appointment with a neurologist. The clinic can be reached at 501.932.0352.