Accident doesn’t keep Yorkie-poo from being talk of Downtown Conway

By Becky Bell

Chris Quinn takes her pet Zoey, a Yorkie-poo, to work every day and while that may not be too unusual, how Quinn acquired Zoey is.

Quinn got Zoey this past April from the Conway Animal Welfare Shelter Support (CAWSS) group. Quinn is president of the group that helps support the Conway Animal Welfare Unit by providing help with medical assistance or any needs that benefit the welfare of the animals when funds are needed but just aren’t in the budget.

Zoey was hit by a car in March and a good Samaritan found her and took her in for help, Quinn said.

Photo by Mike Kemp

“We were called late on a Friday afternoon with a report that a dog was found hit by Stoby’s,” she said. “Her bone was hanging out and they tried to see if it would heal on its own. It was her right front leg and we paid for all of that. This is one of the many things we do as a nonprofit.”

Unfortunately, the little dog’s leg had to be taken for her survival. Quinn knew of the story and fell in love with the dog who would now be a tripod.

“I have had a deep love for animals since I was little, I think. That’s really all I can say,” Quinn said. “So many animals are abandoned and neglected, so anything we can do, I am proud to be a part of an organization like that.”

Although some might consider Zoey disadvantaged without one leg, it does not appear so as she greets the customers at Quinn’s Furniture Consignment Place.

“She runs like the wind,” the business owner said. “She bonded with me and got attached to me almost immediately. I think Yorkies are known for that, but I’ve never had a Yorkie-poo. She is extremely loyal to me, which is fine.”

Zoey often wears a red bandana that says, “I am a rescue CAWSS,” and has a little dog paw print on it. For the most part, she stays near the counter.

Customers who notice Zoey are always glad to make her acquaintance.

“Most of the time, she is up on the counter in her pen,” Quinn said. “Anytime someone goes by there, she kisses and licks and loves them. Then they start a conversation about their animals, which is fun. I think some of the people who start talking may not have been in a good mood, but I’ve just seen her bring it out of them.”

Chris said she is glad Zoey is the CAWSS mascot. 

For more information, go to Board members include President Quinn, Secretary Sharon Clack, Treasurer Terri Horn, Betsey Helton, Karl Justice, Scott Hayes, Charlsie Hum, Branden Hampton, Cody Stoner and Colby Kinggard.