17 Mar 2025 Austin DuVall Joins LeadAR Class 21
PETIT JEAN MOUNTAIN — The Winthrop Rockefeller Institute is excited to announce that Marketing & Communications Manager Austin DuVall has been selected for LeadAR Class 21, the state’s premiere leadership program.

According to the LeadAR website, the 18-month curriculum is operated by the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service and designed to deepen participants’ understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing Arkansas, fostering leadership skills that drive meaningful change. The program includes monthly seminars, a week in Washington, D.C., an international study tour, and individual community leadership projects.
“This journey will be an incredible opportunity to grow as a leader, collaborate with changemakers, and contribute to the bright future of Arkansas,” DuVall said. “I’m incredibly grateful to the Extension Service for this opportunity and my colleagues at the Winthrop Rockefeller Institute who encouraged and supported me through the application process. I look forward to sharing what I learn with everyone at work and my community.”
Founded in 1984, LeadAR was initially patterned after the W.K. Kellogg Foundation’s leadership training program. Over four decades later, LeadAR has grown to include over 500 alumni who serve as leaders in businesses and communities across Arkansas, with a strong presence in rural and agricultural areas.
“We have selected people who want to make a difference and position themselves to have impact in their communities and state,” said Dr. Julie Robinson, LeadAR director, in an announcement. “Our overall goal is to equip leaders with knowledge, skills, and network they need to make a difference in their communities or organization. They will learn about issues affecting rural and urban areas of Arkansans and how the state is interwoven.”
DuVall joined the Institute in 2018 and connects individuals and organizations to our unique mission through impactful storytelling and strategic communications. He has a bachelor’s degree in print journalism from the University of Central Arkansas and graduated from the Conway Area Leadership Institute in 2022. Other community involvement roles include serving as a board member for Conway Alliance for the Arts, a 100-percent volunteer-led nonprofit.