30 Nov 2020 Participate in the global charitable event ‘Giving Tuesday’ today

Central Baptist College will join non-profit organizations all over the world and participate in the Giving Tuesday global day of giving on Tuesday, Dec. 1. Celebrated on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving, Giving Tuesday takes place after the Black Friday and Cyber Monday events and begins the charitable giving season.
“Days like Giving Tuesday are so important to CBC and other non-profit organizations,” said Central Baptist College President Terry Kimbrow. “They allow for public awareness about CBC, and it allows individuals to offer their support in a virtual setting, which is especially important since we still find ourselves in the midst of a global health pandemic.”
Mark your calendar for Tuesday, Dec. 1. On this day, Central Baptist College is asking supporters to give generously to the Gifts that Transform, annual giving program. Supporters can designate their gift to one of nine funding areas which comprise the Gifts that Transform program or designate their gift to other areas, if preferred. Please know that each gift given is a transformational gift because it helps further the mission and ministry of Central Baptist College.
To learn more about Giving Tuesday visit givingtuesday.org. To give, please visit cbc.edu/givingtuesday. For more information, contact Amy Reed, Director of Development, at areed@cbc.edu or 501-205-8934.
Central Baptist College is committed to transforming lives through education that integrates Christian faith and academic excellence in a Christ-centered environment, and is a four-year, private, liberal arts college owned and operated by the Baptist Missionary Association of Arkansas. CBC offers approximately 40 baccalaureate degree programs, 16 athletic teams that compete in the AMC conference of the NAIA, and 6 fine arts performance groups. For more information about CBC visit cbc.edu.