17 Apr 2017 UCA choir to perform April 24
The University of Central Arkansas Concert Choir will perform at 7:30 p.m. Monday, April 24, in the Snow Fine Arts Center Recital Hall.
The choir’s final campus concert of the semester is themed “Heavenly Days.”
“In this program, the choir will sing a variety of exciting choral repertoire,” said John Erwin, director of choral activities and conductor of the UCA Concert Choir.
The program includes “Haec Dies” by William Byrd, “Audivi vocem” by Duarte Lobo, “Viderunt Omnes” by J. Michael Haydn, “Denn er hat seinem befohlen” by Felix Mendelssohn, “The White Birds” by Eric Barnum, “Balellaikka” arranged by Ehan Sperry, and “Great Day” arranged by Moses Hogan, featuring Veena Akama-Makia.
The concert is free and open to the public.
The UCA Concert Choir is the most select large choir in the Department of Music. Members must audition and demonstrate an excellent voice quality, a very good sense of pitch and an ability to read music at sight.
For more information, contact Erwin at 501.450.5757 or johne@uca.edu.