29 Apr 2024 501Derful Women
I’ll celebrate a birthday this month, and you may ask how old I am. I’m old enough to have been close to a grandmother who was never afforded the career opportunities that I have to choose from, and I’m young enough that my generation sees women as having the same abilities as men. I think having a knowledge of both worlds is a valuable perspective.

When I was a sophomore in college, I was asked to moderate a county sheriff’s debate before the general election. This was a big opportunity for me. At that time, I was fortunate to be influenced by several female professors whom I admired. They saw a nugget of ability in me and wanted to give me a platform to cultivate that. I was also raised by a mother who even now encourages and believes in me. In retrospect, these women were teaching me that Wonder Women need one another’s support and guidance. Naturally, I’ve tried to do all of these things for my treasured daughter.
This issue is “women-centric.” Our articles introduce you to several dozen successful go-getters and explain what makes them tick. In reading all of the articles, I’ve noticed some common opinions.
In one article, psychiatric nurse practitioner Teneal Hill encourages us to reach for our dreams by acknowledging that “Growth is uncomfortable. Get used to that feeling and embrace it. I think we are conditioned to avoid discomfort, but that’s where the good stuff happens.”
Another feature in this issue is about Dr. Amanda Bledsoe. Many of us know about her “hope through healing” mantra, but I love that she supports women with small businesses by sharing space in her chiropractic clinic where they can sell their wares and network. I was also impressed by audiologist Dr. Loni Briley who is a preceptor for many doctoral students and interns, working to grow the next generation of Wonder Women. “I truly love teaching and preparing future providers,” she said.
Outside of comic books and movies, Wonder Women aren’t born; they develop over time from generation to generation. And they continue to develop as we take the time to point out strengths and abilities, celebrate successes and challenge one another to reach seemingly impossible goals. Join us this month as we celebrate moms and all the 501Derful women in Central Arkansas!
Stefanie Brazile