501der Women 2022: Donna Townsell

Donna Townsell says one of the most rewarding accomplishments she has achieved at Centennial Bank was being selected to run one of its largest and most impactful projects. Bank leadership had set a goal to reach an Efficiency Ratio of just under 40%. This is a metric in banking that measures how many pennies it takes to make a dollar.

“When I started the project Centennial Bank had an efficiency ratio of 65%.  As a result of the project, we were able to move that ratio to 37%,” she said. “We remain a leader in this ratio.”

Townsell’s work on the project led her to receiving the “Chairman’s Award” at Centennial, which is the highest recognition the bank bestows. “I was also honored to be the first female elected to the Board of Directors for both Centennial Bank and its parent company, Home BancShares.”

To what does Townsell attribute her ability to reach these goals within her organization? “Bloom where you are planted,” she said. “Each position you are in offers learning and experience.  They are the building blocks to your future. There is no substitute for experience. Take advantage of opportunities as they come along and learn all you can. Every step of the way, make sure you are the person your boss thinks of when they need something done.”

Townsell says she sees many positive developments for women in today’s workplace. “There are more seats at the table, more opportunities and more recognition of women. More than ever, you see women promoting women. This environment means even more to Townsell as a mother to a teenage daughter. “She has already overcome many obstacles in her life. She inspires me!”