29 Dec 2019 501 LIFE to be featured on Channel 4 news show
The January “Celebrating seasons” edition of 501 LIFE will be featured during the 12:30 p.m. news show on Tuesday, Dec. 31, on KARK Channel 4.
Each month, 501 LIFE co-publisher and editor Sonja Keith presents information about the current edition as it hits the streets.
“501 LIFE is all about the seasons in this month’s issue,” said Sonja. “We invited our photographers to share some of their thoughts and favorite seasonal photos taken in Central Arkansas. What beautiful photos Bill Patterson, Mike Kemp and Callie and Jaison Sterling share with readers this month!”
Other articles included in this month’s edition include:
COUPLE OF THE MONTH – Drs. Jennifer and Matthew Woods have a love for one another as well as their shared profession of dentistry.
NEIGHBORS – KARK Channel 4’s Pat Walker is passionate about his work and the weather.
NEIGHBORS – Conway County’s Matt Stell has racked up more than 45 million digital streams of his hit “Prayed for You.”
HOME – Jodi and Jeff Pryor have a gift of seeing the potential in a structure and applying their talents to make a space their own. The couple bought a United Methodist Church in Bigelow that was built in 1908 and converted it into their home.
FEATURE – Sky watching opportunities are aplenty in 2020 in the 501.
PERSON OF THE MONTH – Amy Burton is the executive director of Main Street Searcy, an organization that works to preserve, promote and enhance Downtown Searcy.
501 LIFE is distributed at nearly 700 locations throughout Central Arkansas. Visit 501lifemag.com for more information and to see other stories in the current issue, where to pick up a copy and how to subscribe. You can also find 501 LIFE on Facebook and Twitter.