501 LIFE segment on KARK

The August “Wonder women” edition of 501 LIFE will be highlighted Tuesday, July 30, on the KARK Channel 4 show.

Each month, 501 LIFE publisher and editor Sonja Keith presents information about that month’s issue. “This month, 501 LIFE is all about women who are making an incredible difference in the lives of others,” Keith said.

Selected from the August edition for inclusion in the segment include:

  • COVER STORY – “We selected the Soaring Wings Ranch Hands – who are the ‘crazy, fun aunts’ for children who call the ranch in Faulkner County their home – to feature as our main story,” Keith said. “They are really having an impact.”
  • NEIGHBORS – Thelma Moton founded “Choosing to Excel” 21 years ago to educate and encourage youth to make healthy life choices.
  • GUEST COLUMN – Lori Case Melton and Linda Linn are two more “Wonder women” who are leading efforts to raise funds for a new Conway Senior Wellness and Activity Center.
  • COOKS IN THE 501 – “In our new Cooks feature, we highlight St. Joseph’s Catholic Church at Center Ridge and their annual spaghetti picnic, complete with recipes.”
  • PERSON OF THE MONTH – “We feature Christie Rye as our Person of the Month in honor of her selection as the Arkansas High School Swim Coach of the Year.”

In addition to the live KARK broadcast, the segment can be seen on the station’s website – arkansasmatters.com.