501 LIFE segment on KARK

The February “A Heart for the 501” edition of 501 LIFE will be highlighted on KARK Today on Channel 4 about 5:45 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 29.

Each month, 501 LIFE publisher and editor Sonja Keith presents information about that month’s issue.

“This month’s edition features some interesting and informative articles that relate to Valentine’s Day,” Keith said. “For our cover story, we identified some special individuals who no longer live in the 501 but still have a real heart for the area – from India and Mexico to California and North Carolina.”

The February issue also features coverage of events in Searcy, Conway, Little Rock and Malvern.

“This month, we are also excited to present a feature on unique wedding proposals,” Keith said. “Plus, 501 LIFE contributor Don Bingham has some great suggestions for that perfect Valentine’s Day dinner.”

The February edition began hitting the streets last week.

In addition to the live KARK broadcast, the segment can be seen on the station’s website – arkansasmatters.com.