23 Jan 2012 501 LIFE monthly segment Thursday on KARK
The February edition of 501 LIFE will be highlighted Thursday on the KARK Channel 4 noon show.
Each month, 501 LIFE publisher and editor Sonja Keith presents information about that month’s issue.
Features selected from the February “Caring Hearts” edition for inclusion in the segment include:
Cover story – This month’s cover story features the Greenland family who share with readers how they show they care for others through an endowment set up through the Faulkner County affiliate of the Arkansas Community Foundation.
Couples – Lisa and Dr. Brent Scroggins have a big heart for the 501 area and are lending a hand as the event co-chairmen for the fifth annual Melodies and Medicine fundraiser benefitting St. Vincent Morrilton.
Neighbors – Youth minister Shawn Hammontree speaks of love with every word. His dedication to others will be recognized in February as he is named “Central Baptist College’s Outstanding Individual.”
Entertaining – Don Bingham shares some creative ideas and delicious recipes to celebrate Valentine’s Day.
501 in pics – 501 LIFE photographer Mike Kemp shares with readers the beauty in nature with photos of the trumpeter swans who winter near Heber Springs.
In addition to the live broadcast, the segment can be seen on the station’s website – arkansasmatters.com.