25 Jul 2016 501 LIFE celebrates 100th issue
The August issue marks the 100th edition of 501 LIFE!
The latest edition and the milestone it represents will be highlighted on KARK Channel 4 during the 12:30 p.m. show on Tuesday, July 26. In addition to the live KARK broadcast, the 501 LIFE segment can be seen on the station’s website – arkansasmatters.com.
Publishers and co-owners Sonja Keith and Donna Spears recently reflected on the magazine and its success.
“It really seems like only yesterday that the inaugural issue of 501 LIFE hit the streets,” said Donna. “We have many fond memories of those who joined us in Downtown Conway at our launch party, watching our website count down and getting the first copies hot off the press. The event marked the culmination of many meetings, countless ideas and a lot of prayer.”
“There have been several changes in the magazine since we embarked on this adventure,” said Sonja. “We have added features and more pages as the magazine’s support and distribution have grown. Our circulation numbers alone have nearly doubled since that first issue came off the press.”
There have been many blessings along the way.
“We are very thankful for our talented team of designers, photographers and writers who provide outstanding content that celebrates the people, places and things that make the 501 area an incredible place to live, work, worship and raise a family,” said Sonja. “We have THE BEST team and we thank them for all that they do.”
Donna expressed appreciation to the magazine’s advertisers. “We are thankful for our advertisers who recognize the value in 501 LIFE and rely on the magazine to present their marketing message in an attractive and accurate publication. We thank them for their continued support and for the faith they have placed in 501 LIFE.”
Donna and Sonja are also very thankful for the men and women who serve on the 501 LIFE editorial boards in Faulkner, Conway and White counties. “We rely on them to be our eyes and ears in the community and appreciate their help and support,” said Sonja. “We appreciate their time and efforts on behalf of the magazine.”
Since that first issue appeared, 501 LIFE has made some special friends along the way who have been very supportive and helpful. “We appreciate the partnership we have developed with KARK Channel 4 and the outstanding work by our friends at Magna IV, who print 501 LIFE, 501 Kids and our special issues like 501 Football,” said Sonja. “As we look back, we are very thankful for our readers. It is incredible to consider the many places that our readers have carried the magazine to and the special occasions they have shared for our ‘Loving LIFE’ feature. It makes our day when we hear someone say, ‘My best day is the day I get my new copy of 501 LIFE.’”
As publishers of 501 LIFE, this 100th edition represents a dream come true and the result of many prayers. Here’s to “Loving LIFE” and many more issues of 501 LIFE.